Housing Stability Programs

Jackson Transitional Housing
The Rapid Re-Housing Domestic Violence Program provides a quick response to individuals and families who are displaced and homeless as a result of domestic violence. This program is a safe haven and provides hope to individuals and families affected by domestic violence.
It is unique in that it responds to the need for this vulnerable population to move quickly to safe housing of their choice and not be subjected to the ongoing abuse of a perpetrator to control their lives.

Natchez Rapid Rehousing & Emergency Solutions
The Rapid Re-Housing Domestic Violence Program provides a quick response to individuals and families who are displaced and homeless as a result of domestic violence. This program is a safe haven and provides hope to individuals and families affected by domestic violence.
It is unique in that it responds to the need for this vulnerable population to move quickly to safe housing of their choice and not be subjected to the ongoing abuse of a perpetrator to control their lives.

Supportive Services for
Veteran Families
Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF) provides temporary supportive services for low to no income Veteran families or individuals currently homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Assistance can include but is not limited to Case Management Services, assistance obtaining VA and/or public benefits and Housing placement services. SSVF program is federally funded by the U.S. Dept of Veteran Affairs and services 65 counties across the state of Mississippi. The understood hope and help that we create for people and their families supersedes all expectations with love, support, and donations.